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Monday, September 13, 2010

On set with Elise Estrada


Term five, the beginning of our final projects. 
Since things at the beginning of the term seem to be moving pretty slow, yet smoothly, I was excited to take some time to work on set of a music video RockStar Music Corp was producing for Elise Estrada. My position on set was a Production Assistant and I was working as an"on location sound engineer" which basically is a fancy word for playback. Lots of hauling equipment, getting water for crew and holding umbrellas over people's heads as per usual on set but its a giant leap in a great direction and it's always lots of fun. Check it out!
The song was called "You're so Hollywood"

Some of the dancers were from the Canadian version of So You Think You Can Dance, I still don't understand why the guys wore dresses and everyone wore shoes on their hands, maybe I'm just getting old.

If you ask enough people questions eventually you'll find someone who's willing to tell you all about their position on set. Today it was the camera operator.

Mister Director

Final scene. Very late at night, very cold water. Glad I was just pushing play.

See you soon!


  1. Thanks so much for all of your help! You were amazing and we really appreciate you!
    -Adam H.

  2. Good to see your foot in the industry AmyG!
