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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

CAG Blog

Hey! Our video response made it onto the Contemporary Art Gallery Website. Check it.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Term Three Discovery Project

Term Three's major assignment, amongst numerous others, was our Discovery Projects. The whole purpose of these projects is to allow each student to walk down a path untaken and discover a part of the industry they are either interested in, think they might have a future in or simply something they may want to learn more about. Other students were drawn towards certain streams like game design or painting. 

Since my interest lies in film and television, I took this as an opportunity to grow within that field. What the instructors are looking for is not necessarily the final product but the process, obstacles and eventually any discoveries you may have made along the way. 

Please join me as I discover the wonderful world of storyboarding.

Discovery Project- Term Three at VFS from PaddyRumble on Vimeo.


Monday, June 21, 2010

I miss this little lady.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Video Response to Art Exhibit

Every now and then our class gets an opportunity to go out in the city and visit some local art galleries. This time around, on our second visit to the Contemporary Art Gallery of Vancouver we viewed a still life exhibit entitled "Triumphant Carrot".  It was a combination of artists from a variety of places around the world displaying their portrayal of "Still Life" and of course, what would be a field trip without an assignment. 

We were to send the gallery a video response to the exhibit so they could pick a few of them to feature on their website. It is the first of many collaborations with the CAG and VFS and my classmates and I were happy to be a part of it. ENJOY!

Contemporary Art gallery of Vancouver- Exhibit Response from PaddyRumble on Vimeo.

You can also find out more about the exhibit 
and the gallery by visiting their website.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Video Introduction to The Futurist Art Movement

Term three is coming to a quick yet very anticipated end for the students of FD41. We are working diligently on our individual Discovery Projects and have a plethora of other assignments on the go all at the same time. There isn't much time for fun lately and we are really starting to push each other's buttons. I am certainly looking forward to the ever so popular due dates and presentations that close each term. Those are the most satisfying and proud moments as each student finally gets to show off what they've been working so hard on. Term three's consummation is scheduled for June 22nd. Keep your fingers crossed that we all make it there alive.

Every term we are assigned a group presentation project for our Art and Creativity Class. This term my group and I were assigned Futurism. I researched and edited this little intro for our presentation....

Introduction to Futurism from PaddyRumble on Vimeo.
You can also take a look at some of the other student's research and learn a bit more about Futurism at our group's presentation blog


Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am obsessed with this right now

Brad Doggett and Corey Smith of Earthtone cover Billionaire by Bruno Mars and Travis McCoy.

Earthtone - Billionaire Cover from Duy Nguyen on Vimeo.