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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Winter in VanCity


The snow has arrived, it may not stay but MAN it's been cold lately. Numbers hitting as low as -10 downtown. It's the first snowfall I've seen stick here all year, it usually just hangs out in the mountains. Walks to school are chilly and bike rides are painful but it looks pretty nice right?


Monday, November 22, 2010

Working with Home & Garden Television

This past week for a 3 day stretch in between school projects I was working for a new show on HGTV called CONSUMED. It's the latest pilot in Lifestyle Television filmed in and around Vancouver and hosted by Jill Pollack, one of the producers of the show The Bachelorette. Consumed is an extreme experiment in downsizing for families who have drowned their homes and themselves in "too much stuff". The show challenges each of it's families to pack up all of their belongings, with the exception of ten personal items, and live without it for thirty days. At the end of the challenge the family decides what they can and cannot live without. Oh and there's an entire home renovation thrown in the mix as well. Classic reality TV, I love it.

My job on set was helping the families sort through their things and packing it up to be shipped out. A great environment to be hanging out in as we were also moving in and around the crew shooting the show. 
Here's a shot of my little friend Alyssa as she sorted through her toys trying to decide what to keep.
Catch CONSUMED on HGTV in the summer of 2011.

Hope you had a slice of cake for me!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Another Awesome Day on Set.

On Saturday November 13th my last director Julian Chapdelaine shot his final PRESSURE, a torture scene involving stunts and interrogation. We shot at our school's latest purchase Storyeum, which is a gigantic building downtown with huge pre-built sets containing an underground village, a train and a jungle room the size of a gymnasium. My largest crew yet, Julian had a team of 20 people including 3 actors, 2 makeup artists, 2 sound students, 4 grips, 3 stand-ins, 2 production assistants, a weapon supervisor and a partridge in a pear tree, among others! It was insane. But so much fun to be a part of. I want to make student films forever! Is that a job?
Check out most of our crew!
And more pictures from production day here:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Busting My Acting Chops

A rare opportunity arose this week when an actress dropped out of one of my classmate's films and I got to step up and and take on the role. I played an interviewer in Jessica Chan's mockumetary trailer entitled Afterlife that lightly plays out a true story of spirits and energy waves. It was a short yet sweet production day done on our school's campus and things went well, most likely due to my mad skills in front of the lens, what can I say? The camera loves me!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On set with Zachery Cressman

Last weekend on November 6th and 7th we filmed my friend Zach's final film, Feline Friendly. Zach wrote a hilarious "mockumentary" about an individual's somewhat inappropriate relationship with his cat and it is anticipated to be one of the comedic highlights of our graduation screening. Zach is the second of the three directors I'm working with for final projects and things are really starting to come together for the third as well. 


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Natalie Dee, you've done it again.

Just another gem from my favourite comic blogger. Get into it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Filming of BEARD

Shooting of final projects is underway. One of the three directors I'm producing for, Naseef Izuddin, shot his conversational short film entitled BEARD last Saturday October 30th. We shot at the Vancouver Film School Cafe downtown with a crew of six plus two actors. The film takes a slightly humorous approach as it touches upon the stereotyping of terrorists. It was a surprisingly  smooth day of filming and the director was happy with the way things turned out. That's one headed into post production and two more films left to shoot. 

We're getting there! Happy daylight savings!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Hallowiners!

My friend Zach and I on Halloween. Sweetest Lumber Jack ever.